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Before the turn of the millennium, Jon Hill stumbled on something terrifying...


A new idea


A dedicated, lifelong scifi nerd, keen follower of science, student of philosophy and history, Jon continued to do a succession of day-jobs, while allowing this idea to grow, germinate and develop. As it did, it became scarier, because some ideas demand to be realised, and this one was a doozy!




In developing the idea, Jon reasoned through questions such as:


- How to create a franchise that the audience will truly love, and engage with deeply

- How to create both epic scope, and personal buy-in to a characters' story

- How to give effective social commentary without being 'preachy'

- How to create something 'Hollywood Epic' without being too America-centric


The fruits of Jon's internal struggles on these questions 

are (slowly) being posted to his Youtube channel, Jon Creates

Screen Shot 2020-12-10 at 10.39.58.png
  • Jon Creates

Made better by constant revision and re-writing, and deeper by being viewed again and again through the perspectives of the shifting ages we've lived through, the idea became too big to contain any longer

And then, 2020 hit, and with it, Covid-19.

Forced to change his work patterns,

Jon (now 45 years old) was presented with lots of available time,

and a story in development for more than 20 years, which still hadn't been told.

And so, in the summer of 2020, Jon was faced with a question:

"If not now, when?"


Having created live, interactive multimedia theatre for over a decade,  Jon was used to creating stories,

characters, props and costumes.


Still, making the jump to

commercial film-making was huge.


Always a glutton for punishment, Jon added to that his experience of using multiple media simultaneously, and unorthodox story-telling methods.


A small selection of previous multimedia events

By the end of 2020, Jon had made two 'test' documentary films,

to re-acquaint himself with basic film-making.


By the end of Feb 2021, the first commercial film,

"The Legacy Files" had been written, filmed, fully-wrapped and festival-submitted.


By the end of March 2021 his first feature-film script,

(Humanity In Context) had been completed and submitted for coverage.




- A study in history, philosophy and theology, viewed through the filter of science fiction.

- Original, bold and different, yet nodding to and referencing the great scifi works of the past.

- Deeply layered and nuanced, with a galaxy of characters, its own in-universe history, centred around an increasingly tense story of truly epic scale.

- In need of your help




Help us to get this story told!

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